14 декември октомври 2014 г.
Съдия - Zvi Kupferberg, Израел
Best in Specialty Show &Best Male - Poohberian’s Amore Grande
Reserve Best in Specialty Show & Best Female - Forbidden Fruit of Golden Nicol
BISS III & Junior BISS - Axel Foley of Northern Howl
BISS IV & BISS Veteran- Billy the Kid II of Lancelot
Клас Бебета (3-6 месеца)
1. Sindarin’s Song of Ice And Fire – /baby/ - very promising
2. Sindarin’s Spirit of the Dragon Fire – /baby/ - very promising III
3. Sindarin’s Summer Direwolf – /baby/ - very promising II
4. Sindarin’s Silver Lightning – /baby/ - promising
5. Melita’s Dream Winter Warrior – /baby/ - very promising I, Best baby, BISS Baby
6. Thunderstorm of Golden Nicol - /puppy/ - very promising II
7. Brilliant Artu of Wolf Charm - /puppy/ - very promising I, Best Puppy, R.BISS Puppy
Клас Млади (9-18 месеца)
8. X Ni Ra’s Bars Alp - /junior/ - very good
9. Axel Foley of Northern Howl - /junior/ excellent I, Best Junior, BISS Junior, 3 place BISS
10. Aron of Bisalliance - /junior/ - excellent II
Клас Междинен (15-24 месеца)
11. Rocky Balboa of Golden Nicol - /intermediate/ - excellent II, R.CAC
12. Poohberian’s Amore Grande – /intermediate/ - excellent I, CAC, Best male, Best of Breed, BISS
13. Quantum of Solace of Golden Nicol - /intermediate/ – very good, III place
Клас Открит (над 15 месеца)
13. Art Katsu Kenta – /open/ - good
14. Hallord S Goluboy Zvezdy - /open/ - excellent III
15. Irruption In Brown of Golden Nicol - /open/ - excellent I, CAC, Best male – II place
16. Most Wanted of Golden Nicol - /open/ - excellent II, R.CAC
Клас Шампиони (над 15 месеца)
17. Playmor’s Game Time - /champion/ - excellent III
18. Prince of Persia of Golden Nicol - /champion/ - excellent II, R.CAC
30 Ozzy of Inner Vision - /champion/ - excellent I, CAC
Клас Ветерани (над 8 години)
19. Billy the Kid II of Lancelot - /veteran/ - excellent, BISS, Veteran, BISS – 4 place
Клас Бебета (3-6 месеца)
20. Black Pearl Legend of the Spirit - /baby/ - very promising I, Best Baby, R.BISS Baby
Клас подрастващи (6-9 месеца)
21. Bright Atina of Wolf Charm - /puppy/ - can’t be judged
22. Beasty Angel of Wolf Charm - /puppy/ - promising
23. Belle Alexa of Wolf Charm - /puppy/ - very promising II
24. Truly Yours of Golden Nicol - /puppy/ - very promising I, Best Puppy, BISS Puppy
Клас Млади (9-18 месеца)
25. JulyVell’S Lakota Nayeli - /junior/ - absent
Клас Междинен (15-24 месеца)
26. Stormborn Khaleesi of Golden Nicol - /intermediate/ - very good
Клас Открит (над 15 месеца)
27. Alegra of Wolf Charm - /open/ - excellent II, R.CAC
29. Forbidden Fruit of Golden Nicol - /open/ -excellent I, CAC, Best Female (BOS) R.BISS
Клас Шампиони (над 15 месеца)
28. Apocalypta of Wolf Charm - /champion/ excellent II, R.CAC
31. Snowmist Ultimate Inner Vision - /champion/ - excellent I, CAC, Best female II place
Клас Ветерани (над 8 години)
32. Blue-Eyed Beauty of Mikada Inu - /veteran/ - very good